Ready to get off the hourly billing treadmill and finally have an automated passive income source?
Join Freedom Business Creators
Your step-by-step roadmap to Kickstart your freedom business and Liberate your schedule,
so you can attract amazing clients and make sales any day, even when you're not working.

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    FBC Freedom Business Creators Single Payment - Best Value!$497.00
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    FBC Freedom Business Creators 3-pay - Comfort Access3x $180.00

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What's waiting for you inside FBC:

Your complete freedom business builder roadmap: Get clear, step-by-step training to set up a simple, freedom-based online business you can run in your spare time.

Two focused roadmaps to keep things super clear and organized so you take action and see results:

Your First 90 Days Kickstart Roadmap to set up your Automated Online Course quickly and easily.

The Liberate roadmap to Make your Website and Tools work for You, create extra cash and free up your marketing to-to list

At the end, you will have a business that allows you to make a full-time income on a part-time schedule, passive income style.  

Learn easy email list building, irresistible free gifts, small and big offers, landing pages, website creation, client attraction on autopilot & more.

Training videos, worksheets & templates to support you.

ChatGPT training, prompts, and examples throughout the lessons. (huge time saver)

Click-by-click-by-click detailed tech tutorials in the lessons on how to do all the steps. 

My specific tech tool recommendations I use myself, giving you freedom & flexibility while keeping it on a budget.

My top 'client attraction' strategies to get your offers in front of your perfect people for free and on autopilot (no paying for Facebook Ads, no hiring expensive help, ...).

My top tips to stay organized, time savers and productivity hacks as well as techniques to make your subconscious help you move forward and avoid procrastination and overwhelm.

Lifetime access to the content so you can go at your own pace.  

In short, FBC is your One Stop Hub To Learn, Connect The Pieces and Take Action.

BONUS 1: 30-day QuickStart empowering email series

BONUS 2: Private Student Facebook community,

BONUS 3: Easy Social Media Setup (value 197€)

BONUS 4: Automate your booking calendar (value 97€)

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All prices in USD


Why clients love Claudia
Anna Nordengren
Executive Coach

6 weeks with Claudia got me where I couldn’t go on my own for 12 months. I immediately realized her program was different - she did not tell me what to do, instead, she showed me exactly HOW to do it

Before we started, I felt stuck.  I quickly got a scalable structure and an offer in place. 

  The friendly support and very practical approach stand out from other programs.

Jylian Buitendyk
Virtual Assistant

I never realized how "easy" starting up as an entrepreneur could be. Having that expertise from someone who has done it before was a big time saver. It was amazing having someone with lots of experience with you every step of the way. Before joining this program, I thought it would be impossible to set up my own business because I currently have a full time job. Also, I had no idea where to even begin! 

 I really like how Claudia has everything outlined in the Academy, step by step, to help guide you through the process. She is very knowledgeable and I thought her program was perfect for someone like me who wanted to start creating a business but didn't know where to start. The program is Fantastic! 

It was so nice knowing that I had someone to run ideas by and to help guide me through this process.

Coach & Trainer

She was attentive to my questions filling me with hope and possibility that everything was achievable. Claudia explained every step of the process in such a simple and easy-to-understand way that made me see it as if I was doing it already.

Monika Mueller
Image Consultant & Personal Stylist

She really brought out my confidence by showing me techniques I can use whenever and wherever I need to. Now I don’t feel shy to show up, I just show up. I would definitely recommend Claudia.

Lena Penno Andersson
Clarity and Intuitive Coach

The program helped me become more focused, taking the fear away about technical things. Your clarity inside your videos on how to do things and short videos I liked a lot. The videos have been brilliant and I appreciated a lot that they never been to long. I always paused, looked for how I do it and watched further. learning while watching I now feel more relaxed and excited to show up . You are so lovely and supportive! 

I knew that you would always be there to get my questions answered. you even supported me, when I was not able to build my course. You have a freaking good course which lots of people will benefit from!